Our Philosophy:
Every Case Is Different: Unlike many law firms, we are not a “mill.” We do not feel that your case is exactly like the one before it. We take the time to understand the background leading up to your case, and handle each client’s case with the attention and discretion it deserves.
Our Clients Keep us in Business: Our best advertising is word-of-mouth from a satisfied client. The happier we keep our clients, and the harder we work for them, the more business they send to us. Let’s face it, we’re running a business and trying to make money, and the best way for us to do that is to keep our clients, and their friends, coming back.
Not Everyone Needs to Hire Us: People contact us with their problems. Often, with a little advice, they are able to handle their issues without us becoming involved. We hope that by not charging them, giving them good advice, and showing them that we deal fairly with people, that they will send us business in the future, either from themselves or from their friends and family. That is more valuable to us than a “quick buck” to handle one case from them. We want to build a relationship, not just make a quick sale.